Lover's Rai
Lover's Rai - Image 1

Lover's Rai

Cheb Hasni Format: Audio CD

Rating4.5 (4 ratings)


EDITORIAL REVIEWS Cheb Hasni was a young singer from Oran considered heir to the Khaled throne, when he was brutally gunned down in the streets of Oran in September 1994 by an extreme Islamic fundamentalist group enraged by Hasni's songs of youth, desolation and a desire for a new life in Algeria. This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply. REVIEW Lovers Rai at its best with the Prince of sentimental love songs. here, Hasni's ability to dance and to love are portrayed in some of his finest moments of commercial release. -- From The Label ABOUT THE ARTIST Cheb Hasni released nearly 100 cassettes in North Africa before being gunned down in 1995 in front of his mothers home in Oran, Algeria by fundamentalist gunmen... BAND_MEMBERS: Hasni Chekroune See more